All posts in “social media marketing”

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What you should know about Pinterest

We are going to devote this post to talking about Pinterest, a social media network which has recently been in the spotlight thanks to the addition of the stories format to its app, known in this case as “Story Pins”. Let’s discover what Pinterest is, how it works, what makes it different, and why it could be considered a part of your social media strategy. Continue Reading…

Social Media Trends You Should Be Aware Of

Social media is in constant evolution, that’s why it’s imperative to be in the know about what the latest trends are, and how they can help your brand to improve its presence on social media and avoid staying behind your competitors. In this post, we are going to talk about five social media trends you should be aware of.

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What are the New Social Media Trends in 2020?

Social media trends are constantly changing from year to year. 2020 is no different. With so many new developments, what really is the top new social media trends of 2020?

Platforms are forever evolving to keep up to consumer and user demands. It’s known that video dominates over picture and text, explaining the rise in TikTok and the unstoppable platform that is YouTube. 

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Preparing your Post-Lockdown Marketing Strategy

The world has changed dramatically in the past few months. Life after lockdown won’t be the same as before, so it’s essential we adapt our marketing strategy to reflect these changes. With the end of the lockdown in sight, now is the time to start preparing your post-lockdown marketing strategy.

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The Best Marketing Campaigns of the Lockdown

Social media usage has surged in the last couple of weeks. Now there’s little opportunity for face-to-face connections, social media is essential in keeping businesses connected to their customers. We’re showing you some of the best social media marketing campaigns made during the lockdown.

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Using Instagram Right – 7 Tips to Excel Online

60% of the population in the UK are active on social media, and that number is rising exponentially as Generation Z children grow older, but do you still feel like you aren’t using Instagram right? Having an online presence in these areas seems more and more paramount for the average business owner. Continue Reading…

Social Responsibility in Marketing

For the very first time, businesses which are sustainable and show concern for the planet have been shown to drive brand value (brandZ). The climate crisis has caused consumers all over the world to turn to brands who are socially and environmentally responsible. But does it pay to bring corporate responsibility into your social media marketing?

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