Grow Your Social Media Following with These 7 Easy Tips

Grow your social media following

Are you waiting for people to discover your business? Wait no longer and take the lead by growing your social media following. It’s easy, fast, and totally free – you just have to put yourself out there. Keep reading to discover these seven essential tips to grow your following.

Post often and intentionally

Social media moves fast, and you have a lot of content to compete with. You need to jockey for a noticeable place in someone’s Instagram feed or Facebook timeline by posting frequently.

Not only that, but you need to post at the right times. Use analytics such as Facebook Insights or follower feedback to figure out where your clients are and adjust your posting schedule to their active times.

Share content from your followers

Follow back the people who follow you. This will let them know you see and value their presence. You’ll also have an opportunity to engage them on a deeper level and improve the likelihood that they’ll remember you.

Share and repost content from your followers to give them a boost – just be sure to keep it relevant to your business. It’s even more helpful if you add at least a sentence or two with your own thoughts to demonstrate your interest.

Use the right #hashtags

It’s time to discover the right hashtags for your business. These hashtags are used across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to connect people to the topics they care about.

Don’t forget to follow some common hashtag etiquette. Keep the majority of hashtags at the end of the post so you don’t wind up #with #something #completely #illegible. Do establish a tag that’s exclusively associated with your business and add it to all your posts.

Add your logo to visual posts

Visual posts are more likely to get shared and reposted across the internet than text posts. When you’re creating a powerful image to share with followers, don’t forget to add your logo.

This will help people who connect with your content trace it back to you, even if it’s been separated from your social media handle.

Schedule live videos

Videos generate a lot more interaction and discussion than static posts. Customers also appreciate being able to associate a face with a brand. Achieve both goals at once by starting a live video feed on Facebook or Instagram to engage your audience.

You can use a live video to accomplish different goals. You can offer new insights or discuss relevant news in your industry. Opening up a Q&A session brings your followers into the action and demonstrates that you’re

Network in your niche

You goal on social media should go beyond selling – it should be about helping. One way to organically boost your follower count is to immerse yourself in your own industry.

Find groups, pages, and community hashtags related to your industry. Offer up advice when it’s asked for but don’t try to sell anything. Your peers will learn your brand and be more inclined to follow you or share your posts.

Create challenges and trends

This takes a little more creativity and elbow grease, but the payoff can be great. Skip paying for contest prizes and issue challenges to your followers instead.

Ask everyone to share a positive quote on social media and tag you. Create your own weekly trend as well – Tipsy Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, or whatever theme suits your brand.

These 7 tips can mean the difference between a failed social media account and a booming business. Stay in touch with what your followers want and need, and be ready to fill that void when the moment arrives.

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