All posts in “Instagram”

ECommerce Marketing Birmingham

How to use Instagram to boost your e-commerce business.

Whether you are an established brand or a new startup business, Instagram has become an extremely useful tool in converting passive customers into active ones. No other platform is so focused solely on visuals quite like Instagram so being able to take advantage of it to show off what your brand offers is becoming increasingly important. We are here to help boost your e-commerce business.

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The Little Media Social Media Marketing Awards 2020 – The 8 Best Social Media Campaigns of 2020.

Welcome to the 2020 Little Media Awards! Celebrating all things social media marketing within the past 12 months. Despite the challenging year, it’s been for most businesses across the globe, we have still seen some amazingly creative social media campaigns throughout the year. We have eight categories that showcase the achievements of companies across a plethora of industries who have all made an impact on the world of social media this year.

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Social media image sizes [November 2020]

When using social media for your business, you must ensure that visual content looks its best. This will help your brand stand out and look professional. By posting non-adapted graphics, images or videos, you may not get the interaction you expected. That’s why size does matter after all!

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Use your corporate GIFs on Instagram stories

GIFs have become an interesting tool to implement in your strategy for Instagram. They can help you to highlight some aspects from your stories, to include them in a call to action, to promote a new campaign, or to provide your business greater visibility. Moreover, they allow you to be different from your competitors and add value to your audience. Below, we’ll show you how to upload your corporate GIFs on Instagram.

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5 Secrets of a Successful Social Media Christmas Campaign

Deck the halls and ‘tis the season, Christmas is almost upon us! How’s the Christmas shopping going? Are you an early bird or are you the person raiding the shelves on Christmas Eve? Either way, Christmas is about spending time with loved ones and eating lots of food (That diet can wait until January). But when it comes to Christmas Social Media Campaigns, it pays to be prepared. Continue Reading…

Social Media Trends You Should Be Aware Of

Social media is in constant evolution, that’s why it’s imperative to be in the know about what the latest trends are, and how they can help your brand to improve its presence on social media and avoid staying behind your competitors. In this post, we are going to talk about five social media trends you should be aware of.

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