The Best Marketing Campaigns of the Lockdown - Little Media Agency

The Best Marketing Campaigns of the Lockdown

Social media usage has surged in the last couple of weeks. Now there’s little opportunity for face-to-face connections, social media is essential in keeping businesses connected to their customers. We’re showing you some of the best social media marketing campaigns made during the lockdown.

Whether humorous, informative or heartwarming, these companies responded excellently to a situation none of us have seen likes of before. From logo redesigns to messages of hope, here are some of the best marketing campaigns of the lockdown so far:


Companies in the automotive industry have changed their logo design to spread awareness during the pandemic. Audi has redesigned its logo to reflect social distancing, a great way to encourage their customers to follow government guidelines and protect themselves and others. Audi state that “As a global company and a global community, our highest priority is to identify any opportunities to #FlattenTheCurve. Stay safe.” It shows that the company is putting its customers first and doing what they can to help their community. Posts such as these are a great way of presenting a brand as one who supports and values their customers. 

Coca Cola

Along with Audi, Coca Cola have also redesigned their brand to reflect social distancing, stating that ‘being apart is the best way of being together’. They’ve also released heartwarming messages such as this, encouraging people to band together during a time of crisis. Coca Cola has also dedicated its twitter page to sharing news about the virus. They’ve stopped nearly all promotions on Twitter and focused solely on spreading information. It shows their customers that they’re willing to do their bit, boosting the perception of their brand. 

Innocent Drinks

One brand which never fails to put a smile on our face is Innocent Drinks, and they’ve lived up their name again. They’ve taken a fun approach to this situation, with uplifting tweets, #workingfromhome challenges and this strong message. Not only does it spread positivity, but it promotes them as a socially responsible company, one who actively supports charities to help the community. Actions speak louder than words. By asking their customers to support Age UK, it shows their care for the charity. Innocent’s posts are a great example of marketing campaigns with integrity, honesty and positivity. 


With over 130,000 likes on Twitter, this message from Nike got a lot of love. They posted this image with the caption “Now more than ever, we are one team.” Posts like this create unity between the business and its customers. They say when people go through a hard time, they come out stronger. The same can be said for businesses and their customers. When companies show support to their consumers through difficult times, their customers will be more loyal to them once the crisis is over. 


Some campaigns have gone beyond spreading hopeful or inspiring messages. Wasabi has promised to send 500 free meals every day to NHS workers. Actions like this will be remembered and is a fantastic way of spreading brand awareness and increasing support. It’s one thing to encourage an audience to stay safe and support key workers, but it’s another to take action themselves. It shows the company is actively working to support their community and portrays them as a socially responsible brand.  


From messages of hope to charitable actions, these brands have shown some of the best ways of marketing during the pandemic. These are difficult and sensitive times, and while companies should tread carefully, it’s also a time to be bold and make an active stand in supporting customers and the community. Spreading awareness, encouraging social distancing and supporting key workers are a fantastic way of promoting your brand is a positive light. While everyone is at home, this is the perfect time to connect with and support your customer base.

If you’re looking for advice on creating marketing campaigns during the coronavirus pandemic then check out our latest blog! If you’re looking for further support, you can contact us here

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